- 一次的{いちじてき}な神経疾患{しんけい しっかん}か一次的な筋疾患{きんしっかん}かを区別{くべつ}する
distinguish between a primary nerve abnormality and a primary muscle abnormality 意味
- "distinguish a lesser from a greater evil" 意味
- "distinguish a picture of a from b" 意味
- "distinguish among the possible causes" 意味
- "distinguish anthrax from other illnesses" 意味
- "distinguish between" 意味
- "distinguish between anthrax and flu" 意味
- "distinguish between cause and effect" 意味
- "distinguish between fact and fiction" 意味
- "distinguish between good and bad" 意味
- "distinguish anthrax from other illnesses" 意味
- "distinguish between" 意味
- "distinguish between anthrax and flu" 意味
- "distinguish between cause and effect" 意味